Metropolitan Harrisburg Ranks In Top 20 Percent For Gross Domestic Product Growth

Counties constituting the South Central region...

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Statistics were released for gross domestic product growth in U.S. metropolitan areas for 2009.  Harrisburg ranked 74th showing a 2.7 percent growth rate in 2009.  Metropolitan Harrisburg’s GDP for 2009 was $28 billion dollars.  Prior to the recession Harrisburg’s GDP grew by 9 percent in 2006.

Lancaster was the next metro area in South Central Pennsylvania on the list at number 104.  Metropolitan Lancaster showed a slight decrease for 2009 but before the recession was growing.  Lancaster’s 2009 GDP was $18.5 billion dollars.

York came in third at number 129.  Metropolitan York also showed a slight decrease for 2009, like Lancaster, with a GDP of $14.7 billion dollars.

Lebanon came in fourth (sometimes Lebanon is also combined with Harrisburg).  Metropolitan Lebanon was 333rd on the list with a GDP of $3.5 billion.  Lebanon had a modest gain in 2009 of .6 percent.

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